• Privacy Policy

    General Nutrifoods Philippines, Inc.

    Privacy Policy on Protection of Personal Data


    Statement of Policy

    General Nutrifoods Philippines, Inc., now referred to as GNP, and its subsidiaries are committed to uphold the protection of your personal information and to respect your privacy.

    This policy applies to the information collected by GNP, as well as by our appointed third parties, in connection with our transactions with prospective employees, employees, affiliates, suppliers and customers, and other stakeholders.


     Purpose of Collection and Use of Information

    We collect personal information from you to enable us to enter into various transactions with you. This may include information you provide when you apply for a position in any of our companies, when you enter into business transactions with us, completing surveys or questionnaires, reaching out to us via the “Contact Us” page of our official websites, participating in our promotional campaigns, and/or posting information in any of our social media accounts.

    We will only use the personal information we collect for legitimate business interests as disclosed to you at the time your consent was obtained.



    GNP will not collect, process, utilize, disclose, retain and dispose your personal information without your express consent, which may either be written or electronic.


     Kind of Personal Information Collected

    In the course of the different transactions and activities in our business operations, which may necessitate the collection of personal information, we collect from you the following:

    Contact Information: Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address

    Identification Information: Legal purchase age confirmation (your date of birth)

    Others: Interests, preferences and consumption patterns

    Visual recordings: Photographs and videos in our events and activities


     Process of Collection

    We collect personal information from you when you:

    Apply for employment with our offices;

    Express intention to enter into a business relationship with us in any of the different areas of our business operation;

    Participate in any of our marketing, advertising and promotional activities;

    Connect with us via our social media pages;

    Contact our offices to submit queries or complaints regarding our products;

    Visit our website and navigate through it; and/or

    Visit our offices for security monitoring purposes.

    We may also collect your personal information from third party sources, provided that such collection:

    Is from a third party that is connected with you and that you have specifically given your consent to share your information with us;

    Is for a specific purpose which is known to you and which you agree to;

    Is lawfully permitted.


     Personal Data Integrity and Security

    GNP will undertake the necessary measures to protect the integrity and safety of the personal information that we collect and process in the conduct of our business transactions with you.


     Security Measures in Place

    Access to collected personal information is limited to authorized GNP personnel. Measures to protect the printed and electronic copy of collected information are put in place. The printed copies are kept in cabinets in secured locations and the electronic copies are stored in databases, the access to which is restricted to authorized GNP personnel.


     Your Rights

    You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal data that we collected and are holding in our custody.

    You have the right to ask that the information in our custody be corrected, should you find that there are errors in the same.

    Should you wish to ask for a copy and to correct any erroneous information, you may contact us through our email as stated in the details provided below.


     Disclosure to Third Parties

    We will not disclose your personal information and sensitive personal information collected by us to third parties without your express consent.


     Use of Cookies in our Website

    Our website does not use cookies. We do not collect any data from you.


     Information You Post on our Social Media Pages

    The information that you post on our social media pages is publicly available information and generally accessible to, and may be collected and used by others. Please do use caution and do not disclose any personal information, as we do not have any control on how other users may subsequently use your information. Such use by others may be in breach of both our Privacy Policy and of the law, and may place you at risk. We will not be responsible for any postings you make with personal information in them.


     Retention and Disposal of Information

    We will retain the personal information that we collected from you only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, or as required by relevant laws. After which, we shall undertake measures to properly dispose of any and all copies of these information.


     Revision or Amendment in our Privacy Policy

    We may revise or amend our privacy policy at any time. We will ensure that we will inform you of any revision or amendment in our policy, through our website and other avenues of communications available.


     Contact Us

    If you have any comments, queries, or complaints about our collection or use of personal information please contact us through feedback@generalnutrifoods.ph.ph.