Here’s the latest news on GNP
and our products.
Because you and your family deserve better, it’s time to up your canned tuna game with Dolly Tuna Flakes! With bigger, meatier, and juicier flakes made from premium tuna caught only through responsible fishing practices, Dolly Tuna Flakes offers value-for-money tuna goodness in the convenience of an easy-open can.
Vibrant, abundant and teeming with life, this is how most divers and marine conservationists would describe the Philippine’s oceans and marine life. The country’s coral reef area is so biodive .....
It can be quite frustrating for moms to find out that their kid’s school lunch was mostly left uneaten. Not only do spoiled leftovers translate to a waste of food, time and resources, it also .....
Convincing the entire family to eat healthy is always a major challenge for most moms. Somehow, family members, particularly kids, perceive healthy food as unpalatable fare. As a result, moms ha .....