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  • Gold Seas Tuna Chunks protects marine biodiversity through “Sea of Life”


    Vibrant, abundant and teeming with life, this is how most divers and marine conservationists would describe the Philippine’s oceans and marine life. The country’s coral reef area is so biodiverse that it is considered as the world’s “Center of Marine Biodiversity.” With a land area of 26,000 kilometers, and inhabited by 915 reef fish species and over 400 scleractinian or hard coral species, the Philippine coral reef is the 2nd largest in Southeast Asia.

    Unfortunately, due to negligence and abuse, such as pollution, mangrove harvesting, overfishing and destructive fishing methods, which are further compounded by natural calamities like tropical storms, earthquakes, and increased sedimentation, this rich underwater system is under threat of destruction.

    The reef’s denudation will negatively impact the environment and the lives of thousands of people who rely on it for food, tourism and the creation of medicines.

    As a way of ensuring the health of the country’s marine ecosystem, Gold Seas Tuna Chunks, the premium gourmet canned tuna chunks brand in the market, has recently embarked on the “Sea of Life” coral reef conservation project. The “Sea of Life” is an artificial reef installation positioned along the shores of Tingloy, Batangas that covers a land area of about 1,000 square meters.

    Done in partnership with the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Manila, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Philippine Navy, Bureau of Aquatic Resources, and for this phase, the local government of Batangas, the project will install eight artificial corals made of pH neutral cement and micro silica that is conducive to the growth of marine life.

     (L-R) 2018 JCI Manila President Atty. Joaquin Pablo A. Esquivas and General Nutrifoods Phil. General Manager Philip M. Sanchez proudly hold cans of Gold Seas Tuna Chunks to symbolically seal their partnership for the “Sea of Life Museum,” an artificial coral reef rehabilitation project in the province of Batangas.


    The installations are shaped like the busts of six world-renowned local and international luminaries, who personify outstanding corporate citizenship and passion for nation-building, and two area markers. These underwater sculptures comprise the first set of 50 statues in the “Sea of Life Museum” that will be completed in a span of four to five years.

    With this project, it is expected that the coral reef, algae, and marine fish population will improve in a year and a half. The structures are also projected to have coral growth in three years.

    “The Philippines is known around the world for its rich marine biodiversity, which some biologists even say can rival that of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. However, whether or not our oceans are as bountiful as other famous locations, it is our responsibility to nature, nurture and conserve them. With this project, we at Gold Seas Tuna Chunks, believe that we are not only protecting the resources we have now, but we are saving it for the generations to come,” said Philip Sanchez, General Manager for General Nutrifoods Philippines, Inc. “This is the reason why we go to great lengths to promote responsible fishing, work only with conscientious suppliers, and ensure that our products are dolphin-safe.”

    Gold Seas Tuna Chunks is a product of General Nutrifoods Philippines, Inc. The world-class tuna product only uses responsibly-caught tuna to help preserve marine life for future generations while ensuring the quality of their products. Gold Seas has six flavorful and versatile variants that are offered in 90g (solo) and 185g (sharing) containers.

    (L-R) Gold Seas Tuna Chunks proudly formalizes its collaboration with JCI Manila to rehabilitate Philippine coral reefs through the “Sea of Life Museum.” The initiative has been deploying custom artificial reefs to promote marine biodiversity. Left to right are 2018 “Sea of Life Museum” Co-chairmen Julian Dayrit and Jim Jimenez, 2018 JCI Manila President Atty. Joaquin Pablo A. Esquivas, General Nutrifoods Phil. Inc. General Manager Philip M. Sanchez, General Nutrifoods Phil. Inc. Marketing Head Daryll Abegail B. Soriano, and Gold Seas Tuna Chunks Brand Manager Charissa Madel Javier.


    Gold Seas Tuna Chunks
    Gold Seas Tuna Chunks is the pure, healthy, and chunky tuna choice for you and your family! With only premium tuna caught through sustainable fishing practices, every can of Gold Seas Tuna Chunks is filled with wholesome tuna goodness you will enjoy to the last bite. Gold Seas Tuna Chunks is available in all leading supermarkets, groceries and convenience stores and are offered in 90g (solo) and 185g (sharing) variants. To get the latest news and updates, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram @goldseastunachunks

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